The Dreamhunters and other legends and studies by Dorothy Carrington

"Get away from here before you're completely bewitched and enslaved..." Dorothy Carrington (1910 - 2002) was told.
But enslaved she was. She arrived in Corsica in 1948 as an English historian. She stayed.
She was very interested in Corsican society, Corsican culture. In 1991 she was awarded a doctorat honoris causa by the University of Corse.
She lived and worked in Ajaccio. She also had a very special friendship with I Muvrini.

TerraCorsa is very proud and grateful that Dorothy Carrington and later on her heiress, has given so kindly and willingly her personal permission to Mrs Y.Peters to publish from her books, also on this website.

If you like to enter the mystical world of Corsica, TerraCorsa proposes several legends and studies:

The Dreamhunters

To give you an impression of the fascinating book Dorothy Carrington wrote in 1995: The Dream-Hunters of Corsica
(French Edition in 2000: Mazzeri, Finzioni, Signadori) I will tell you something about the most important subjects:


Lady Rose, l'insulaire

Lady Rose, l'insulaire

Un film de Emmanuelle Franc / Coproduction France 3 Corse et Mareterraniu, Documentaire, 52 minutes.

Une plongée dans la vie d’une aventurière du XX ème Siècle.
Portrait de Lady Rose de son enfance bourgeoise en Angleterre, à la Rhodésie, et la Corse.
Parcours atypique d’une femme, d’une curieuse, d’une chercheuse qui voua sa vie à une île qui n’était pas la sienne.
Récit d’une histoire d’amour avec la Corse.

Author of books, studies, conferences and communications for congresses, Dorothy Carrrington was awarded many times.


Quotation on the base:
"...that Corsica would be my lot",
Granite Island



Photo taken by Mrs. Suzanne Girolami
on the day of the inauguration of the Memorial for
Frederica, Lady Rose (Dorothy Carrington).

Ajaccio, Cimetière Marin,
the 17th of April 2007

Jean-François BERNARDINI wrote in his book UMANI:

"Chère Dorothy Carrington

Vous êtes un peu partie

Comme si désormais
vous écriviez derrière une autre porte
dans un temps qui n'est plus le nôtre
mais òu l'on sera toujours libres
de vous imaginer."

With special thanks to Alain Piazzola

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